Click & Collect

  • Orders placed before 12 noon Monday to Friday will be available for collection after 4pm the same day
  • Orders placed after 12 noon Monday to Friday will be available for collection after 12 noon the following day (excluding weekends).
  • New click & collect orders will not be processed on weekends however, if you have an existing order you are welcome to collect it within our weekend trading hours.

If there are any changes to your order ie. items are out of stock or on back-order, our staff will contact you immediately to offer a solution.

PLEASE NOTE: You will receive an email confirmation once your order has been finalised (sometimes these can filter to your junk mail) so please keep an eye out for it.


We will need to see identification when you collect your order, please have this ready to show staff.  If you require someone else to do the pickup for you, please contact us on 07 47755144 or email as soon as possible.  You will need to provide the full name of the person collecting the order and they will also be required to show ID to our staff upon collection of your purchase. Please note: Orders will not be released without this information.

Pick Up Timeframe

If you cannot collect your order within 7 days of your purchase please contact our store on 47755144 or



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